我们的心靈療愈協調員和導师團 Our Retreat Facilitators & Teachers

Teacher Yasah (third right back row), Teacher Mard (left front row), Teacher Mandal (first right back row) and teacher Issacc (right front row)

1. 我們很高興地介紹Yasah老師,她是一位熟練的靜坐和身心健康推崇者,已在行脚的生活方式中輔助自我和他人的療愈16年,探s索世界的大部分地區之餘,也從各位偉大的大師那裡學到了許多,特別是自2004年以來連續五年在緬甸的老師那裡靜語地學習禪修次第。她這幾年在與我們分享Merkaba水晶療愈和靜坐課程的技巧,也是我們的好朋友。

We are delighted to introduce teacher Yasah, a skillful meditation and well-being facilitator who has traveled for 16 years in a wandering lifestyle, explored most parts of the world and learned from various great masters, especially from the Burmese teachers for five years straight in silence since 2004. She has been sharing the skill of Merkaba Crystals Healing and Meditation lessons to us. She is also a good friend of ours.
Here is the details of her intro. Here is the details of her intro.

2. 我們很高興地介紹Mard桐仁老師。冯桐仁,外号“Mard” 。槟城大山脚人。佛教徒。 因生於务农之家,而响往荒野之美与心灵之踏实。 1993年理科大学药剂系毕业。之后从事药剂师为期17年。期间约12年涉猎另类疗法,深得其趣,而为日后埋下全职於整体健康工作的因缘。曾19次带领小型断食营,对慢性病的处理颇有心得。2009年曾移居吉隆坡,跟随生物能量营养师张发英老师学习整体营养与虹膜诊断,並积极推广以水果为主食的环保素食,身心灵保健,断食疗法与有机农法。除此亦短期跟随著名巫裔顺势疗法医师力奥马(Nik Omar)学习顺势疗法。2011年赴台湾接受国际人智医学(Anthroposophy Medicine)國際學士後醫學訓練。曾一度经营海吉儿整体健康工作室,为社会大众提供有关於和谐养生,自然疗愈的整体健康教育(Holistic Health).服务项目为营养咨询,饮食调整,虹膜诊断,另类疗法与药疗保健等等。2017年参与Akasha家庭系统系列课程,开始进入情绪和心灵疗愈这个领域,期许可以看见自己,疗愈自己和影响身边的人。2019年学习如何处理农业废料而进入自然农耕的领域,开发了目前推广自然肥料的因缘。2020年新冠疫情更是他生命的分水岭。他除了真实的学习佛法,也开始接触频率治疗的方法。在2022年更进入量子共振调频的领域。

日常工作都是放逐在山林中,当个村夫野农,开始朝向自供自足的田园生活。除了自己生命的修炼,也在因缘许可之下, 帮助面对生命课题的人们看见光的道路。


1993 槟城理科大学药剂系毕业

2018 取得城市导游资格

2022 取得自然导游资格


自然卫生学 natural hygiene、虹膜诊断、整体营养、自然农耕、自然教育

We are delighted to introduce teacher Mard Pong, from Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. A devout Buddhist, he was born into a farming family thus always yearned for the beauty of the wilderness and the tranquility of the soul. In 1993, he graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at a scientific university. For the next 17 years, he worked as a pharmacist. During this time, he delved into alternative therapies for approximately 12 years, finding great interest in them. These experiences laid the groundwork for his eventual transition to full-time work in holistic health.

He has led 19 small fasting camps, gaining valuable insights into managing chronic illnesses. In 2009, he moved to Kuala Lumpur, where he studied holistic nutrition and iridology under the guidance of bioenergetic nutritionist Teacher Zhang Fa Ying. He actively promoted environmentally friendly vegetarianism centered around fruit-based diets, emphasizing holistic well-being, fasting practices, and organic farming methods.

Additionally, he briefly studied homeopathy with renowned Malay homeopath Dr. Nik Omar. In 2011, he traveled to Taiwan for international anthroposophical medicine training. He once operated the Hijir Holistic Health Studio, providing holistic health education to the public, including nutritional counseling, dietary adjustments, iridology, alternative therapies, and herbal health.

In 2017, he participated in the Akasha Family Systems series, venturing into emotional and soul healing, aiming to heal himself and positively impact those around him. In 2019, he explored natural farming techniques for handling agricultural waste, leading to the development of natural fertilizers. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 marked a turning point in his life. Besides deepening his study of Buddhism, he began exploring frequency-based therapies. In 2022, he delved into quantum resonance frequency.

His daily work involves living in seclusion amidst mountains and forests, adopting a rustic lifestyle as a village farmer. Beyond his personal spiritual practice, he helps others find the path to light when facing life’s challenges.

Professional Qualifications:

Graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Penang, in 1993.

Obtained a city tour guide certification in 2018.

Acquired a naturalist guide certification in 2022.

Self-Study Areas:

Natural hygiene, Iridology, Holistic nutrition, Natural farming, Nature education

Teacher Mandal (front) during activity of setting boundary

3. 我們很高興地介紹Mandal 蓓禛老師。



🪷获得知见心理学文凭,导师Christopher Moon,创办人Dr. Chuck Spezzano。








We are delighted to introduce teacher Mandal 蓓祯.


🪷 Under the mentorship of Teacher Yasah, lead women through 'The Beautiful True Woman' course, making them gradually know and see the truth of themselves, what and how life is.

🪷Obtained Diploma in Vision Psychology conducted by Christopher Moon founded by Dr. Chuck Spezzano from Hawaii.

🪷Trained in Confucianism to knowing and seeing the root to happy family relationship from Taiwanese Professor ZengZhaoXu for the past 20 years

🪷 Coached weak students to master English Language using my father's method

🪷 Developed learning materials through coaching my three children in early childhood which later helped to help 30 weaker students became better and successful in studying/accomplish their dream

🪷Graduated from University Science of Malaysia in Applied Statistics and Operational Research

🐋My life dream🐋

Gently and naturally help awaken those who are "asleep" and destined to be touched through serendipitous manners.

Now she is leveraging quantum science in helping the world to be better and balanced.

Teacher Issacc (front right)

4. 我們很高興地介紹 Issacc 陈奕君。

🧬 简历 🧬



🔮于2023年向Christine老师 (Lifelight Psychology & Training) 学习NLP自我探索。




We are delighted to introduce Issacc 陈奕君.

🧬 Profile 🧬

🔮Self-study of Bazi Birth Chart, Ziwei Dou Shu, divination (Tarot cards, I Ching, Oracle Cards), Mayan Dreamspell, Human Design, and Numerology since 2017.

🔮Graduated from KDU Penang University College, George Town, Malaysia in Bachelor of Computer Science in Artificial Intelligence (Hons), in 2020.

🔮Learn NLP Self-exploration from Ms. Christine (Lifelight Psychology & Training) in 2023.

🔮Study numerology and Chinese zodiac nomenclature at Shuyi Culture International, Puchong, in 2023.

🔮In May 2023, I was in charge of tarot cards and divination sessions at the fasting camp run by Mr Pong.

🔮In March 2024, I worked with fellow practitioners to help find missing persons. During the process, I Ching and clairvoyant ability were used.

Teacher Pei Lin (sixth from the right, back row), Teacher Gwo Yann (first from the left, back row)

5. 我們很高興地介紹佩玲:

💆‍♀️ 简历 💆‍♂️

徐佩玲,生于1972年梹城乔治世, 祖籍福建永定。


2001年成立智世科技有限公司, 主要业务是开发网络ERP(企业业资源规划)和HRMS(人力资源管理)系统。






2017-2019年加入马来西亚天狼星诗社, 多首作品有被收录进天狼诗社的出版书籍。 后期都在网络发表作品。

2020至今, 任马来西亚佛教坐禅中心担任副秘书,同时负责网络和社交媒体,设计海报,发布资讯,建立网络表格等工作。


2023年,创办了乐分享Let’s Share线上平台,以手机应用程序来推广生命与生态和谐共存的理念。

2023年年尾, 有机会接触到access consciousnesses的其中一个能量疗法工具, 正式成为认证的access bar 实践者。 透过双手给予将近50次的免费服务,从中发现疗法不可思议的效用。

We are delighted to introduce Pei Lin.

💆‍♀️ Profile 💆‍♂️

See Pei Lin, was born in Georgetown, Penang in 1972. Her ancestral home is Yongding, Fujian.

She graduated from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 1997 with a degree in Information Technology.

In 2001, she founded PannaAge Technology Sdn Bhd, whose main business is the development of web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and HRMS (Human Resources Management) solutions.

From 2010 to 2014, she was a teacher of the Sunday class of the Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Center. Later, she volunteered to help the center set up a website, establish social media and publish information.

In 2012, she went to Panditarama Myanmar for a 14-day meditation.

From 2013 to 2017, she served as one of the organizing committee members of the Appamada Vihari Meditation Center, mainly assisting Sayalay Susila in publication, and was also responsible for carrying out activities.

In 2017, she went to the Center of Sayadaw Tejaniya in Yangon, Myanmar for a 12-day meditation. Afterwards, she continued to learn vipassana meditation with Teacher Tuck Loon and participated in several meditation retreats until 2021.

In 2021, I participated in the 7-day meditation retreat conducted by Venerable Techadhammo hosted by the Three Wisdom Lecture Hall.

From 2017 to 2019, I joined the Malaysian Sirius Poetry Society, and many of my poems were included in the books published by the Sirius Poetry Society. Later, I shared my poems on an online poetry platform.

From 2020 to now, I have served as the deputy secretary of the Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Center, and am also responsible for maintenance of MBMC website and social media, designing posters, publishing information, and creating web form for activities registration

In 2023, I met Teacher Yasa and joined the merkaba group, and had a chance to study Abhidhamma with the teacher.

In 2023, I founded Let’s Share online platform to promote the harmonious coexistence of life and ecology through mobile applications.

At the year-end of 2023, I had the opportunity to come into contact with the tools named Access Bar, which is a simple energy therapy, from the USA and finally officially became a certified access bar practitioner. Through giving nearly 50 free services with my hands, I discovered the incredible effectiveness of the therapy.

4. 我們很高興地介紹 Issacc 陈奕君。

🧬 简历 🧬



🔮于2023年向Christine老师 (Lifelight Psychology & Training) 学习NLP自我探索。




We are delighted to introduce Issacc 陈奕君.

🧬 Profile 🧬

🔮Self-study of Bazi Birth Chart, Ziwei Dou Shu, divination (Tarot cards, I Ching, Oracle Cards), Mayan Dreamspell, Human Design, and Numerology since 2017.

🔮Graduated from KDU Penang University College, George Town, Malaysia in Bachelor of Computer Science in Artificial Intelligence (Hons), in 2020.

🔮Learn NLP Self-exploration from Ms. Christine (Lifelight Psychology & Training) in 2023.

🔮Study numerology and Chinese zodiac nomenclature at Shuyi Culture International, Puchong, in 2023.

🔮In May 2023, I was in charge of tarot cards and divination sessions at the fasting camp run by Mr Pong.

🔮In March 2024, I worked with fellow practitioners to help find missing persons. During the process, I Ching and clairvoyant ability were used.