Effective ways to acknowledge donors: examples and popularity

Gratitude for Donors: Effective Ways to Acknowledge and Appreciate Donors

Retreat ~ Enjoy A-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受一天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Body-Mind-Spirit Blossom: Embracing Miracles and Abundance 身心靈绽放,拥抱奇迹和丰盛 8 June 2024

Retreat ~ Enjoy Two-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受两天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Harmony of the Heart: A Journey to Wholeness 心之和諧:通往完整之旅 15 - 16 June 2024

Retreat ~ Enjoy Two-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受两天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Wisdom’s Whisper, Boundaries’ Keeper: A Quest for Soulful Insight and Integrity’s Leap 智慧的低语,界限的守护者:寻求心灵洞察与正直的飞跃 23 - 24 May 2024

Retreat ~ Enjoy Two-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受两天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Harvesting Harmony: A Sojourn of Plenty, Peace, Radiance, and the Pulse of Life 收获和谐:丰盈、平和、光彩与生命脉动的旅居 17 - 18 May 2024

Body-Mind Cleansing: A Reverent Bow to the Holy, Weaving Away Negative Energy and Cultivating Abundance 身心净化:向圣者鞠躬,排除负能量,培育丰盈

Whispers of Compassion: A Serendipitous Sojourn from Penang to Kelantan

Retreat ~ Enjoy Two-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受两天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Retreat's hush, ego's fall; Control's mirage, trust's call. Abundance path, peace's allure; Life's gifts, open, pure.隐居的寂静,自我之陨;控制的海市蜃楼,信任之召。 丰盛之路,平和之诱;生命之礼,敞开,纯净。4 - 5 May 2024

Retreat ~ Enjoy Two-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受两天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Wisdom’s Whisper, Boundaries’ Keeper: A Quest for Soulful Insight & Integrity’s Leap 智慧的低语,界限的守护者:寻求心灵洞察与正直的飞跃 23 - 24 May 2024

Retreat ~ Enjoy Two-day Wellness Meditation Retreat 享受两天的健康心靈療愈之旅: Origins and Conditions: The Infinite Loop 源來緣來無限圓 24 - 25 April 2024